
You Want to Be Resilient…. Then Listen

What does ‘listen’ has to do with being resilient? Listening has a lot to do with resiliency. To be an effective listener, you train yourself in eight different areas to: 1. Activate your awareness in which area you need support and your willingness to listen to your mentors or team. 2. Become totally present, focused, and attentive to listen to instructions. …

You Want to Be Resilient…. Then Listen Read More »

Triggers That Get To You!

By Amina Hedayat Khalil Leadership and Think Global Coach What is a trigger? As we get closer to the beach, I smell the ocean scent with its salty sulphurysmell combined with decaying seaweed that’s washed on the beach. This smellreminds me of my childhood when I spent many summers by the seaside ofAlexandria. Ah… not …

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Are We In Control?

As Leaders We Are In Control Of Two Most Important Elements By Amina Hedayat Khalil Leadership and Think Global Coach and Consultant One day, a pandemic hit earth. Lockdown became the norm and people were scared. Their work shut down, schools shut down, offices of all kinds shut down, except for hospitals and make-shift hospitals …

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