Coaching Skills for Muslims Today

Transformative Coaching Skills with Islamic Principles:
Cultivate Resilience, Wisdom, and Positive Change

Coaching Skills for Muslims Today Course

Get Ready to Become an Agent of Positive Change,to Elevate Your Life and Community with Timeless Wisdom and Practical Skills

Are you ready to transform not just your life but also the lives of those around you? Whether you’re a Muslim seeking to deepen your understanding of faith-aligned coaching or a non-Muslim interested in universally applicable principles for growth, resilience, effective communication and negotiation, this course is your stepping stone to becoming a catalyst for positive change.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to blend ancient wisdom with modern techniques for a more fulfilling life and harmonious community.

Register now and unlock the keys to empowerment, resilience, and lasting peace.

Secure Your Seat for a Transformational Journey ->

What an analyst said about the course after reading all the testimonials for previous attendees:

Based on the testimonials, the “Coaching Skills for Muslims Today” course appears to be a well-regarded, impactful program that has left a lasting impression on its participants.

Here are some key takeaways:

Expert Instructor: The testimonials repeatedly praise the instructor’s enthusiasm, responsiveness, and expertise. This indicates that participants found the instructor to be a strong and engaging leader who genuinely cares about their learning experience.

Comprehensive and Unique Material: Participants appreciate the fusion of coaching skills with Islamic principles. The course seems to offer unique insights that aren’t readily available elsewhere, which adds to its appeal.

Practical Application: Students particularly value how the course has equipped them with practical skills for improving their personal and professional lives. This demonstrates that the course isn’t just theoretical but has practical, real-world applications.

Interactive and Engaging: Several testimonials highlight the interactive nature of the course, including in-class practice scenarios and ample opportunities for questions. This suggests that the course keeps participants actively involved rather than just passively absorbing information.

Areas for Improvement: A few testimonials mention specific areas where the course could be enhanced, such as providing class materials for future reference and adjusting the timing to suit participants’ schedules better.

Broad Appeal: The testimonials suggest that the course is not only for professionals but also for individuals looking to improve their interpersonal skills, including better parenting.

Overall Positive Experience: Despite some minor drawbacks, the overall sentiment is overwhelmingly positive. Participants found the course enlightening, worthwhile, and rewarding, which is the ultimate goal for any educational program.

In summary, the course appears to be a valuable resource for individuals from various backgrounds, providing both practical coaching skills and a unique integration of Islamic principles. It seems to offer a fulfilling learning experience led by a competent and engaging instructor.

Who Should Attend?

This meticulously designed 8-week course invites leaders, professionals, parents, and educators within the Muslim community and beyond the Muslim community to equip themselves with essential coaching skills rooted in Islamic wisdom.

Whether you’re a healthcare worker, legal professional, university student, or anyone committed to personal and communal growth, this course is for you.

What others who attended the course said:

 Testimonial by Huma

“I enrolled in the ‘Coaching Skills for Muslims Today’ course to enhance my communication abilities within my workplace and family setting. The course exceeded my expectations by teaching me not just valuable coaching skills but also how to integrate Islamic principles into conflict resolution. The framework for coaching presented was particularly enlightening.

Applying these skills has been transformative; I find myself consistently utilizing the principles and techniques taught during the course to resolve various issues effectively. The webinar format of the course was convenient and allowed me to balance my busy schedule.

While I enjoyed the ease of attending webinars, I did feel that a regular class setting might have fostered more immediate practice and group interaction. Additionally, fulfilling the peer coaching requirement outside of class was challenging due to time constraints.

Nonetheless, my overall experience was incredibly positive. Each session left me with actionable and valuable insights. I’ve already recommended this course to others and will continue to do so. For anyone looking to improve their interpersonal skills while aligning with Islamic principles, this course is a game-changer.”

In-Depth Course Overview

Navigating Complexity with Spiritual and Practical Tools

As we face unprecedented challenges from societal changes to personal dilemmas, having the correct tools for navigation becomes crucial.

This course offers a harmonious blend of professional coaching techniques and Islamic spiritual principles. We integrate traditional coaching models with the profound insights from the Qur’an and Sunnah to create a holistic approach for facing challenges with resilience, wisdom, and courage.

Testimonial by Omar Sherif

“I enrolled in the ‘Coaching Skills for Muslims Today’ course out of curiosity to explore the intersection of coaching and Islamic principles. The course delivered on this by equipping me with improved coaching skills and providing a new perspective on various life situations through the lens of Islam.

The most effective part of this course for me was learning how to blend coaching techniques seamlessly with Islamic teachings. The outcome has been a significant enhancement in my Islamic coaching abilities.

While the course was generally very effective for me, it has left me eager for even more knowledge and skills in this area. Overall, I found the course to be enlightening and beneficial.

For anyone interested in not only improving their coaching skills but also in understanding how these skills correlate with Islamic teachings, this course is a valuable resource.”

Why Choose This Unique Course

Inclusive Approach: This course is not simply about coaching; it’s a comprehensive tool-kit that incorporates Islamic principles into modern coaching techniques.

Rigorous Curriculum: The course encompasses a unique “DEEPER” Model of Resiliency, imparting 50 core principles from Islamic teachings.

Practical and Spiritual: Gain concrete skills for personal development and professional scenarios, while also deepening your spiritual understanding.

Our Vision

Empowering the Muslim community by integrating coaching excellence and Islamic wisdom to foster resilience, meaningful relationships, and holistic well-being.

The Critical Needs of Muslim Communities: Fostering Unity Through Islamic Coaching and Communication

Understanding the Importance of Addressing Community Challenges

The Muslim communities in America face a variety of challenges that stem from both external and internal pressures. These challenges range from Islamophobia and cultural gaps to a surge in mental health issues and communication breakdowns.

Addressing these matters effectively is not just a community obligation but a means to uphold the principles of justice, harmony, and well-being emphasized in Islamic teachings.

Key Concerns

Communication: Often, families and community members lack the skills to communicate effectively, resulting in misunderstandings, strained relations, and, at times, social isolation.

Cultural and Generational Gaps: In an increasingly multicultural America, Muslim communities, especially those with immigrant backgrounds, face the challenge of bridging generational and cultural gaps within families.

Mental Health: An issue commonly brushed under the rug but becoming increasingly prevalent. The stigma attached to mental health discussions is a barrier to treatment and understanding.

Islamophobia: A societal issue that threatens the well-being and safety of Muslim individuals, creating a hostile environment that impacts both young and old.

What others who attended the course said: 

Testimonial by Fatmah R

“I signed up for the ‘Coaching Skills for Muslims Today’ course because of my involvement in community work and my responsibilities as a parent to five children. I needed guidelines to ensure that I’m being truly helpful when assisting others with their challenges. This course provided me with the foundational coaching principles I was looking for.

The outcome was enlightening, yet it made me realize that there is so much more I want to learn in this field. Sr. Ameenah’s patience and openness to questions made the learning environment incredibly supportive and engaging.

The only areas for improvement I would suggest are the provision of class materials for future review and more time allocated for practicing real-life situations.

Overall, my experience was very positive. The course piqued my interest to explore this field even further. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their interpersonal relationships and assist their families and friends in navigating the complexities of life.”

How Islamic Coaching and Effective Communication Can Help

Building Empathy: Learning coaching skills embedded with Islamic principles can teach individuals to empathize effectively, a key component in resolving family conflicts and community issues.

Conflict Resolution: Islamic coaching offers a framework grounded in the Qur’an and Sunnah to handle conflicts in a manner that is both fair and compassionate, promoting peaceful interactions.

Holistic Well-Being: Islamic coaching skills provide a rounded approach to mental health by aligning spiritual and psychological aspects of well-being.

Counteracting Islamophobia: Effective communication skills can enable Muslims to represent their faith more authentically, breaking down barriers of misunderstanding that feed Islamophobia.

Community Cohesion: By cultivating Islamic coaching skills, community leaders and individuals can contribute to greater unity and cooperation within Muslim communities, leading to a more cohesive and harmonious environment.

Spread of Peace: Mastering effective communication helps in the accurate and peaceful transmission of Islamic principles to those outside the community. This can serve as a bridge-building mechanism, fostering intercultural and interfaith dialogue.


By integrating Islamic principles into coaching and communication strategies, we don’t just solve day-to-day challenges; we also adhere to a higher standard of ethical and compassionate behavior.

This integrated approach not only helps solve immediate issues but also contributes to the broader goal of building stronger, more harmonious communities—ultimately serving the Islamic principles of justice, unity, and peace.

What others who attended the course said:

Testimonial by Hassan

“I was drawn to the ‘Coaching Skills for Muslims Today’ course primarily because of the instructor, who did not disappoint. Their enthusiasm and in-depth knowledge made the course a highly engaging experience. What stood out for me was the general concept of the course, which introduced me to coaching skills and principles that were entirely new to me, all integrated with an Islamic perspective.

While I enjoyed the lessons, there were moments when some examples didn’t go as planned, which slightly impacted the learning experience. Additionally, I found it challenging to take notes during the course and was unable to access the dedicated WhatsApp group.

Nonetheless, the overall outcome was undeniably good, making the experience worthwhile. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in broadening their understanding of coaching, especially those keen on exploring it from an Islamic viewpoint.”

Would you like to be part of this transformative journey?
Unveiling the Benefits: Empowering You and Your Community

What You Will Gain from This Transformative Course

Islamically-Centered Coaching Techniques:

Details: While many coaching techniques focus solely on individual betterment, this course integrates Islamic principles that encourage collective growth and ethical living.

Impact: Learn how to approach problem-solving, motivation, and personal development through the lens of Islamic ethics, creating a fulfilling balance between your spiritual and practical life.

Empowerment of Others:

Details: The course teaches you how to tap into the innate potential of the people around you—be it family, colleagues, or community members.

Impact: Equipped with these skills, you’ll be able to inspire others to achieve their goals, strengthen their faith, and overcome challenges, making you a beacon of positive change.

Effective Communication Skills:

Details: Effective communication is the cornerstone of strong relationships. Learn the art of communicating with clarity, empathy, and Islamic etiquette.

Impact: Whether it’s resolving disputes or simply having more meaningful conversations, your relationships will experience a newfound depth and understanding.

Stress Management Techniques:

Details: Gain access to Islamic and psychological methods for coping with stress, anxiety, and other emotional burdens.

Impact: By adopting these techniques, you’ll be better prepared to face life’s challenges with a calm and focused mind, benefiting both your emotional well-being and your overall health.

Enhanced Self-Awareness:

Details: Dive into modules that encourage introspection, guided by Islamic teachings on self-examination and personal growth.

Impact: As you grow more self-aware, you’ll make choices that are more aligned with your personal and spiritual goals, leading to a more fulfilling life.

Compassionate Self-Care:

Details: Learn how to extend the Islamic principles of compassion and kindness towards yourself, allowing for a more balanced and emotionally healthy life.

Impact: Practicing self-compassion can dramatically improve your mental health, making you more resilient in the face of life’s challenges.

Personal and Professional Growth:

Details: The course is designed not just for personal development but also for professional enrichment. The coaching techniques you’ll learn are adaptable to a variety of professional scenarios.

Impact: Whether you’re leading a team, managing a project, or dealing with clients, these skills can elevate your professional life to new heights.

Community Building:

Details: A community thrives when its members are empowered and connected. Learn how to foster community bonds through effective coaching.

Impact: Strengthen your local community by becoming a source of guidance, conflict resolution, and positive change.

Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding:

Details: Master Islamic techniques for conflict resolution that encourage fairness, open dialogue, and mutual respect.

Impact: Use these skills to mediate disputes within your family, workplace, and community, fostering an environment of peace and mutual respect.

By enrolling in this course, you’re not just investing in your personal development; you’re gaining the tools to uplift those around you.

This holistic approach to growth and well-being is what sets this course apart, making it a must-attend for anyone looking to make a meaningful impact.

What others who attended the course said:

Testimonial by Eman Waly

“I enrolled in the ‘Coaching Skills for Muslims Today’ course to gain deeper insights into the subject, particularly to improve my interactions with my children and people around me. The course exceeded my expectations by making me a better person, and hopefully, with time, a better mother as well.

The outcome for me was profound self-awareness, something that has enlightened my thinking and led to self-realization. The course discussions, real-life examples, and Qur’an verses added immense value to my learning experience.

If I had to point out a downside, it would be that the course had to come to an end. It was such an honor to be a part of this amazing group of people and to be guided by a true expert in the field. I’d highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their communication skills and better integrate religious principles into everyday practices.

Thank you, Amina, for this transformative experience.”

Synergy of Coaching, Communication, and Negotiation Skills:

Details: This course doesn’t just focus on isolated skill sets. Instead, it delves into the crucial intersection of coaching, communication, and negotiation techniques. These interrelated skills are central to both personal and professional advancement and are particularly valuable in complex or high-stakes situations.

Impact: By understanding the symbiosis between these skills, you’ll be better equipped to navigate complicated social dynamics. Whether it’s negotiating terms in a business deal, resolving a family dispute, or coaching a team member for performance improvement, this nuanced skill set ensures you handle each situation with greater effectiveness and ethical consideration.

The Symbiosis of Coaching, Communication, and Negotiation Skills:
A Harmonious Skill Set for Life’s Challenges

Understanding the Interplay

Coaching: This is not merely a skill but a mindset that involves active listening, asking the right questions, and guiding people toward their own solutions. It’s about empowering others to reach their full potential.

Communication: This is the bedrock upon which all relationships—personal and professional—are built. Effective communication involves not only speaking clearly but also listening attentively, interpreting non-verbal cues, and understanding the context in which the communication occurs.

Negotiation: This skill goes beyond merely haggling over terms and conditions. It’s about arriving at an agreement in which all parties feel their needs and desires have been acknowledged and respected.

The Symbiosis Explained

Enhanced Understanding through Active Listening: Effective communication skills, like active listening, are crucial in both coaching and negotiation settings. Through active listening, you can better identify the needs of the individual or the opposing party, which, in turn, informs more effective coaching strategies or negotiation tactics.

Empowering Dialogue: The questioning techniques and empowering dialogue used in coaching can be beneficial in negotiation as well. These tactics can help bring clarity and pave the way for mutual understanding, making negotiations more fruitful and less confrontational.

Ethical Decision-Making: With the integration of Islamic principles, this course equips you with ethical frameworks that inform all three skills. Whether you’re coaching someone, communicating your needs, or negotiating terms, a strong ethical foundation ensures you do so with fairness and integrity.

Complex Problem-Solving: The strategic thinking developed through negotiation skills can be applied in coaching scenarios where you need to guide someone through complex issues. Similarly, effective communication skills are vital when discussing intricate or sensitive matters in both coaching and negotiation contexts.

The Impact

Understanding the synergistic relationship between coaching, communication, and negotiation skills enables you to transition seamlessly between different roles—be it as a mentor, a communicator, or a negotiator. This adaptability is particularly valuable in complex personal or professional situations where a nuanced approach is essential for success.

This comprehensive skill set ensures you’re not just effective in isolated situations but are equipped to handle the interconnected challenges that come your way, whether in your family life, community interactions, or professional endeavors.

What others who attended the course said:

Testimonial by Rania F

“I took the ‘Coaching Skills for Muslims Today’ course to enhance my communication and conflict management skills, particularly in my interactions with my children. The instructor was highly engaging, always enthusiastic, and remarkably responsive to any questions or concerns we had during the course.

The material presented was both intellectually challenging and extremely relevant. Learning how to ask open-ended questions has empowered those around me to think and problem-solve for themselves, and I’ve found this approach to be particularly effective in being less authoritarian with my children.

What stood out for me was the interactive nature of the course sessions and how it tied back to Qur’anic teachings and the practices of the Prophet (PBUH) in handling difficult situations. While I enjoyed the in-class practice scenarios, I found the timing of the classes to be challenging, particularly during Ramadan.

However, despite the overwhelming nature of the material at times, the repetition and review sessions helped cement my understanding. My only wish is for more opportunities to apply these invaluable techniques in real-world settings. A course manual or handouts could be helpful for note-taking and future reference.

Overall, the experience was enlightening and rewarding. I can say with confidence that the course has improved my abilities in conflict management. I’d highly recommend this course to anyone looking to refine their parenting skills and communicate more effectively and peacefully with their children.”

Meet the Expert: Amina Hedayat Khalil, Your Guide to Transformation

Academic Background

Bachelor of Arts in Supply Chain Management

Institution: Eli Broad School of Business at Michigan State University

Highlights: Specialized in Materials and Logistics Management, focusing on the optimization of supply chain processes.

Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies and Ijazah in Usoul El Deen

Institution: European Institute of Human Sciences

Highlights: Deep dive into Islamic jurisprudence, theology, and philosophy with an emphasis on the application of these principles in contemporary settings.

Graduate-Level Courses

Fields: Psychology, Sociology, Family and Child Ecology, and Cross-Culture Communication

Highlights: Interdisciplinary studies aimed at gaining a multifaceted understanding of human behavior, social dynamics, and cultural diversity.

Professional Certifications

Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

Issuing Body: International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Scope: Mastery of advanced coaching skills and ethical standards.

Modern Classroom Certified Trainer (MCCT)

Issuing Body: Logical Operations

Scope: Specialized in creating engaging, effective, and adaptable learning environments.

Certified Mentor Coach (CMC)

Issuing Body: Coach Cachet, Mentor Coach Training and Continuing Education

Scope: Trained in mentoring aspiring coaches and offering continuing education.

Certified Professional Coach (CPC)

Issuing Body: Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)

Scope: Comprehensive training in coaching fundamentals, focusing on personal and professional development.

Energy Leadership Index Assessment Master Practitioner (ELI-MP)

Issuing Body: iPEC

Scope: Certified to administer and interpret energy leadership assessments, aiding in personal and organizational development.

Global Leadership Assessment (GLA360) Certified Practitioner

Issuing Body: Marshall Goldsmith Coaching

Scope: Proficient in conducting 360-degree leadership assessments for organizational excellence.

Certified Strategic Intervention (SI) Coach

Issuing Body: Robbins-Madanes Coach Training

Scope: Trained directly under Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes to employ strategies for effective personal and professional intervention.

Certified COR.E Leadership, Performance, Wellbeing, and Transition Dynamics Specialist

Issuing Body: iPEC

Scope: Specialized in applying core dynamics for leadership and performance enhancement.

Certification in Process in Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ)

Issuing Body: Conversational Intelligence Organization

Scope: Equipped with tools to enhance effective communication and interpersonal relationships.

Team and Leadership Coach

Issuing Body: Kickstart Your Edge (KSYE)

Scope: Focused on team building, leadership development, and organizational health.

Dale Carnegie Course Graduate

Issuing Body: Dale Carnegie Training

Scope: Awarded the Highest Award of Achievement and served as a Graduate Assistant in multiple courses.

Course Specifics

Interactive Online Format: Delivered via Zoom, our sessions are designed to be engaging, featuring group workshops and discussions.

Convenient Timing: Scheduled on Thursdays from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST, making it easier for working professionals and students to attend.

Affordable Investment: Priced at $199, with a special rate of $99 for students.


Limited Seats: Due to the interactive nature of this course, we have limited seats available.

Certificates: All participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Course Objective: This is not a formal coaching certification program but a platform for acquiring practical skills tailored for the Muslim community.

Unlock the Power of Resilience and Wisdom: Transform Your Life Today

Are you ready to make a lasting impact? By mastering Islamic coaching techniques and effective communication skills, you’ll be equipped to face life’s challenges with confidence and poise—regardless of your faith background.

Join us now and become the positive change you wish to see in the world.

Reach Out to Us